decentralized financial system

Hustler University India : Helping Indians Take Part Effectively in Cryptocurrency Transactions

Hustler University India acknowledges the growing needto impart guidance and knowledge on cryptocurrency exchanges and investments to inexperienced Indian locals venturing in this high-risk market. Participating in the cryptocurrency world requires a deep understanding of how blockchain technology and the decentralized financial system works. The university’s primary goal is to equip students with the necessary skills in navigating their way toward a successful crypto investment venture.

phenomenal growth of cryptocurrency marketAlthough the federal Indian government still has to establish a regulatory stance with regard to cryptocurrency investing, financial reports indicate a tremendous growth in this sector. The adoption rate in crypto use and investing in India has been growing rapidly in recent years.

Current Status of the Cryptocurrency Trading and Investing in India

Monitoring platform Chainalysis reported that the 2023 Global Crypto Adoption Index placed India in the number one (1) spot in the overall index rating after dropping to fourth place in 2022. The increase in crypto adoption persisted despite the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) suggesting that cryptocurrency transactions are illegal.

India’s Supreme Court Wards Off RBI’s Attempt to Ban Crypto Transactions

Actually the 2018 Supreme Court ruling on RBI’s attempt to ban crypto and the related blockchain system made crypto assets in India more appealing as a financial tool. This was amidst the phenomenal performance of bitcoin after traditional investors in the US also dipped their hands into crypto exchanges.

The Supreme Court of India ruled that the RBI does not have the authority to infringe on the right of the people to invest in digital money. Mainly because the country has no laws on which RBI’s crypto ban was founded. Unlike in other countries, there are specific laws pronouncing the crypto currency and the blockchain system either legal or illegal. In fact, the governments of other countries are imposing heavy taxes on income gained from cryptocurrency investments, as well as collecting minimal taxes on all blockchain transactions,

As a result, cryptocurrency adoption in India grew in leaps and bounds, reportedly at a growth rate of 20,000% after crypto investments in India increased from $200 million to $40 billion.
Apparently a high number of Indian locals took advantage of the exceptional performance of bitcoin when BTC price indices started to peak, which historically reached $68,000 per unit of BTC in the global blockchain technology market.

Hustler University India came around at a crucial time, and perhaps its comprehensive mentorship and guidance enabled many Indians to successfully grow their crypto asset investments.

Overview of Hustler University’s Cryptocurrency Educational Program

Hustler University’s cryptocurrency educational platform emphasizes the need for students to fully comprehend the basics of decentralization and how the blockchain technology works around it to ensure security of the decentralized financial transactions.

bitcoin simulationAs the students progress, they are given the opportunity to engage in simulated digital exercises on how to trade and invest in crypto money, specifically using the most popular digital . assets, Bitcoin and Ethereum. That way, the simulated hands-on experience gives students practical knowhow in applying the skills and knowledge they acquired from the program; before venturing into the real-world scenarios of the high-risk crypto market.

Posted by Madelina Feliks in Cryptocurrency